New blog :

A new chapter has started and with it a new blog :

Friday, February 17, 2012

As vrea...

As vrea odata sa iubesc
S-o fac ca niciodata
As vrea sa nu ma amagesc
Din nou c-o alta fata

As vrea sa-i dau tot ce-am mai bun
Sa o vrajesc c-o floare
As vrea sa nu mai spun minciuni
Caci acum stiu cat doare

As vrea s-o duc la rasarit
Din nou la o plimbare
As vrea sa-i spun cat am gresit
Si cat de rau imi pare

As vrea s-o stiu ca-i doar a mea
Sa stie c-o iubesc
As vrea sa-i pot da tot ce vrea
As vrea sa reusesc

As vrea de-acum sa nu ma uit
Ca ieri dup-alta fata
As vrea sa stiu ca tot ce-am vrut
S-ar implini vreodata

Vreau multe de la viata mea
De nu mai stiu ce vreau
Dar stiu, dorinta-mi cade grea
Pe stau

Si nu mai vreau...

*It's the first time that I actually hear a poem in my head...and it's in I didn't really know if I should publish it... I guess I just thought of Eminescu while writing it...and tried adopting his style for a bit...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Same different love...

With every turn you take in life
You're bound to get to a dead end
You learn that love cuts like a knife
You know your heart you can't defend

But still, the pain is bitter sweet
Unknowingly, you crave for it
Her eyes, her smile, her love for you
Still makes you hope that it was true

The same old path you walk again
Same different story you now live
This time it's different, I believe
You're not the same guy from back then

Doesn't matter how many times
You'll want to stop and turn around
Those feelings just keep coming 'round
And you'll be writing the same rhymes

Maybe this time you'll make it work
Maybe this time you'll do things right
Maybe this time y'on't be a jerk
Maybe this time you're gonna fight

To hold on tight...